Most dis-eases and pain are due to a disruption, blockage, or deficiency of the qi flowing in the body. Most signs and symptoms are an indication that this qi flow has been disrupted. Through acupuncture, tiny needles are inserted into the body to stimulate the bodies own natural resources to unblock or nourish the flow of qi. As a result, balance is reestablished and wellbeing is improved. By bringing the body back into balance, the body has an opportunity to heal itself from the inside out.
Acupuncture sessions may include cupping , gua sha , and moxibustion.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Traditional Acupuncture
(843) 410-9821
Tiffany Schaal
Licensed Acupuncturist & Yoga Teacher
L.Ac, Dipl. Ac, M.Ac, ERYT200, RYT 500, PN1
Tiffany is committed to helping people live a more balanced, active, and fulfilling life.
Tiffany is a Nationally Board Certified and Licensed Acupuncturist in South Carolina as well as a Registered Yoga Teacher through Yoga Alliance. She received her Masters of Acupuncture from Maryland University of Integrative Health. She has completed both her 200- 500-hour programs through YogaFit, focusing on yoga therapy.
With extensive training in yoga, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, and wellness coaching, Tiffany is gifted at meeting her clients on their playing field and helping them reach their wellness goals. Tiffany is a general practitioner who can effectively treat a wide range of health conditions, imbalances, and pain. Being an athlete all her life, Tiffany is most passionate about supporting people with acute and chronic pain as well as those who want to reduce stress, get better sleep, improve mobility, recovery, and sports performance.
Licensing and Certification:
National Board Certified, (Dipl.Ac.) National Certification Commission of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine
Licensed Acupuncturist (L.Ac), South Carolina and Maryland
Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT)
200-hour (E-RYT)
YogaFit Warrior Program
Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy
Level 1
Precision Nutrition
​​​PN Level 1 Certified (PN1)
Masters of Acupuncture (M.Ac). Maryland University of Integrative Health
Bachelors of Science in Business Administration - Finance, Towson University
Institute of Integrative Nutrition