Most dis-eases and pain are due to a disruption, blockage, or deficiency of the qi flowing in the body. Most signs and symptoms are an indication that this qi flow has been disrupted. Through acupuncture, tiny needles are inserted into the body to stimulate the bodies own natural resources to unblock or nourish the flow of qi. As a result, balance is reestablished and wellbeing is improved. By bringing the body back into balance, the body has an opportunity to heal itself from the inside out.
Acupuncture sessions may include cupping , gua sha , and moxibustion.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Cupping Therapy
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. Cupping can help decrease muscle tension and knots, remove toxins, and help the body fight off colds/flu's.
Traditional Acupuncture
(843) 410-9821
Corporate Wellness
Help your employees, co-workers, and workplace grow both professionally as well as in mind and body. Today's work world is getting more demanding and the days are not getting any longer. It's becoming more difficult for people to find proper work/life balance. Improved health and wellness at the workplace often yields fewer sick days as well as provides a happier and healthier work enviroment.
Corporate wellness may Include:
-Community acupuncture
- Group classes
- Meditation
- Chair yoga or yoga at your desk
- Specialty workshops
How can we help your company breathe easy?
Health Coaching
My health coaching program is designed to help you discover what fills you up and leads you to a healthier life. Health coaching is session based. Each session consists of a 45-minute telephone or FaceTime/Skype conversation, a follow-up email, and email support between sessions. Additional resources will be sent to you as needed. My goal is to support you in overall health. There are various factors that contribute to our health (i.e., relationships, finances, spirituality, nutrition, exercise, etc). Together we will design a plan to turn your goals into actions and create movement where you may be stuck. Are you ready to upgrade your life?
Email me for a free 15-minute consultation to help you decide if health coaching is for you.