2 min read
10 Anti-Aging Benefits of Facial Cupping
Cupping is a Chinese Medicine modality in which cups are suctioned to the body stimulating lymph and blood circulation in an area. ...

3 min read
Acupuncture for Osteoarthritis
Osteoarthritis in Western Medicine Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease in which the cartilage, or protective tissue, at the...

2 min read
Anxiety and the 5 Elements
As we discussed in the The Cause of Disease from a Chinese Medicine Perspective, emotions are an internal disease. Within 5 Element...

4 min read
Acupuncture for General Anxiety
Anxiety can be experienced in many different ways such as OCD, PTSD, panic attacks, and phobias. For this blog, I will discuss...

2 min read
The Cause of Disease from a Chinese Medicine Perspective
Before examining a wide range of conditions and how acupuncture can help, I wanted to take a step back and discuss how a disease is...

2 min read
Acupuncture for the Common Cold
Mom was right when she said, "don't go outside without a coat on or you will catch a cold." Well...she was sort of right. In Chinese...

2 min read
Count On Breathe Easy...We Got Your Back!
We live in a world where we sit for long hours, work even longer hours, and live life on the go. It's no wonder that nearly 8 out of 10...